Change is hard

Change is hard

Change is hard. 

I have more of a Type A personality. I like to stay organized, follow a routine and set goals. With this personality, I also overthink, easily get stressed and don't do well with change. 

Recently, my family decided to move to a new house. Ever since we had my daughter, Brooklyn, we knew we wanted to be closer to family. 

In 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic started, Drake and I found ourselves working from home. We had moved a few months prior into our first home to be closer to his work and mine.

God had different plans. 

Life changes

Because of this shift to working from home, being "stuck" at home and having a new baby, we really needed support from family and friends. 

I started to have that urge more and more to move, and we took the leap this summer. This coming September, we should be (God willing) in a new house, in a new town. 

It's so surreal to me to be moving. We spent the last 4-5 years in this area, and I know I am going to miss it. You would think that I would be excited but instead I am very fearful. I have spent some nights crying worried about what might happen. 

Will my family be happy there? Is it the right move?

According to Psychology Today, "change requires resisting well-established behavioral patterns, which means that you will be working against unconscious, automatic processes in the brain that are designed to make life easier."

Out of your comfort zone

Leaving the area that I have known to love will be hard. I won't have the convenience of running to Target quick, or getting a quick meal to go. 

Getting out of your comfort zone can be a difficult thing to do. 

It also can be the best thing you ever did. 

If you think about times in your life when you made big changes - graduation, new job, college, marriage, children, travel - most likely these changes were scary but all worked out in the end. You are still here breathing and reading this blog. 

When trying to build confidence in yourself or in a new achievement, you have to leave your comfort zone. 

You have to leave where you are to get to where you want to go. 

Your creativity shines. Your knowledge expands. You grow as a person. 

Change can be good

Starting this business was a big change for Brittany and I. Although we both didn't know what it would bring, I could tell we were both just as excited as we were scared.

We have had moments of stress. Moments, where we didn't feel organized or ready to own this business.

However, we keep pushing through because we want to bring fun, new styles to you. I think shopping for new items is one of our favorite parts because we are so excited to see what you all love.

We want this business to succeed more than anything. You continue to help us do that.  Thank you.

I am going to try my best to be excited for this new change and excited for the new journey. I need confidence in my decision. Confidence in myself. 

Stay simply confident,



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