Comparison vs. inspiration

Comparison vs. inspiration

“Comparison is the thief of joy,” quoted former President Theodore Roosevelt. 

In most aspects of life, including our bodies, success or finances, we may find ourselves comparing to someone else. 

We often think that the grass is always greener on the other side. In the world of social media, we aren’t just keeping up with the Jone’s - it’s everyone. 

I’ve written before how comparison or other people’s opinions have a way to create self doubt. 

Today’s blog focuses more on how to use comparison to your advantage.

Be the best you

Use comparison to become the best version of YOU. 

Using our body as an example, we have to remember when comparing to someone else they may have been working out for longer, have makeup and hair stylist, work out harder each day, have a private chef to make them meals - whatever the case may be - you are not them. 

I’ve even had times when I compared my body now to the way it was years ago. Although I’m the same person, so much has changed from that point in my life. 

These comparisons can become an obsession, a negative cycle weighing you down.

We start to think we are not capable of being as good as this person, or get back to a body of a 20 year old. 

I am here to tell you that you aren’t going to become another person or go back to a specific time in your life, but you do have the opportunity to make your life better today.

Start now

So often we wait until the New Year or our birthdays to really put in the work to become a new person. I say throw that mentality in the trash.

Every day you wake up is an opportunity to be better than the day before.

Yesterday, I was emotionally not in a good state. I was over stressed, worried about the things that were wrong in my life - negative attitude took over. 

Today, (9-7-22) I completely changed my mindset by taking a walk outside. The cool breeze on the crisp morning was peaceful. I got my body moving and felt my best. 

If I continued to let my negative mindset take over and see others doing good for themselves and take that as I never will be able to, I would fail myself.

Others should inspire you.

Inspire others

If you find competition fuels you, then use those who are working hard to motivate you to work harder in whatever endeavor - business, finance or fitness. 

If you aren’t competitive, use others to inspire. If someone else can do it, you can do that too. You can work toward what you want.

As they say, “reach for the moon and you will still be among the stars.” You always have an opportunity to get better. You always have an opportunity to grow. 

Growth and success does not happen overnight. 

You will need gratitude for your life today, and confidence to know you can be the best version of you in the future.

You are here today for a purpose. Be great. Stay inspired.

Stay simply confident,



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