Creating a morning routine

Creating a morning routine

Creating a morning routine can be essential to start your day off right. It helps you accomplish the tasks you want while building a foundation for how productive you will be during the day. 

I used to be great with my morning routine. Wake up at 4:30-5 a.m., get in my workout, have coffee while I journal on gratitude, make breakfast and then start my work day. Simple yet effective.

Failing my morning routine

Today, after having my second child in March, my mornings have been anything but routine.

Depending on how many time Hudson wakes in the night, I may need to pump right when I wake up. Some days, I want to workout right away but most of the time, I struggle as my alarm goes off. Hitting snooze until the last possible minute when I need to wake up to get the kids ready. 

This leaves me little time to actually do something with myself, like even shower. You can find me most mornings eating my breakfast at my desk. 

I will make a plan to workout at lunch or go for a walk during the day but my work day is as inconsistent as a newborn’s sleep schedule. I typically have meetings or impromptu projects that I allow to take up my day without taking much of a break. 

Morning routines start the night before

I’ve learned that my nights dictate my days. To start to implement my morning routine, I need to get to bed at a decent time to wake up. 

Because I still wake up at least once with Hudson, I need to be asleep by 9 p.m., meaning I need to be in bed around 8:30 p.m. or sooner. 

My alarm needs to be set for 4:45 a.m. so that I can wake up a little bit before I need to get up. This gives me that free time so I’m not rushed out of bed. 

Another step that happens the night before is hanging my workout clothes in the bathroom. I have heard some people even sleep in their workout clothes. Whatever works for you to stay consistent is best.

How to start the morning

I’m using this blog as a way to help you create a morning routine but also hold myself accountable.

My plan is going to be simple:

  • Wake up at 4:45 a.m. and drink some water. 
Drinking water or rinsing my face with some water will just help wake me up in the morning.
  • Workout at 5 a.m. or Pump for 15 minutes followed by a workout at 5:30 a.m.

Depending on the workout, I can pump after or shower, then continue to go on with my day. I know workouts are important to me and when I miss them my whole day is off.

  • Eat a healthy breakfast. 

My family likes to meal prep breakfasts for the week, but no matter what, I like to have some time between 7-8 a.m. to eat my breakfast before I go to work. 

Create your morning routine

Morning routines can be really important for you to build your foundation for the day, and with that confidence in yourself. 

What do you plan to implement in your morning routine? 

Start your morning right!

Stay simply confident, 


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