Pregnant and confident

Pregnant and confident

Pregnancy comes with it’s whole new set of challenges when it comes to confidence. 

I’m 25, going on 26 weeks of pregnancy, and I know firsthand that I have good and bad days.

It’s just like I do normally but pregnancy puts your body and mind through some changes you may not expect as a first-time mom.

Now, I’m no seasoned pro. I think this second pregnancy has been different than my first, and I hear that every kid is different. Or, maybe as mothers we just block those experiences out. 

You really never know how you are going to feel until you are pregnant, and it can change throughout those nine months. 

Body changes

During pregnancy, your body goes through drastic changes.

The body you knew is no more.

Your breast grow. Your waistline grows. Hips, face and feet might grow, too. 

Stretch marks, darker skin, aches and pains. 

All to sustain this little human being who will come into the world in approximately nine months. 

This growth can be intimidating. You may need to buy new bras, underwear, pants - basically a new wardrobe. 

As women, we are often taught to be small. There’s millions of diets out there only proving that our goals involve losing weight. 

For the first time, pregnancy is about gaining weight. It’s a given. 

However, I still find myself comparing to the next pregnant woman, or comparing to myself pre-pregnancy. 

Why do we do that to ourselves? 

Why can’t we be present in our moment? 

It’s ok to accept and appreciate our body at all stages. 

It’s often a constant reminder I have to tell myself in the mirror every day. 

Every bodies different

As we know when we aren’t pregnant, bodies come in all shapes and sizes. 

In pregnancy, one woman may have a perfect round basketball belly, the next may look like she ate a big meal, and another may drastically change her entire body. 

All of these women are beautiful. All of these women may have insecurities.

But most importantly, all of these women are carrying life. 

Mind changes

The hardest part for me during pregnancy (other than nausea & exhaustion but I consider myself lucky) is my mindset changes or mood swings.

Whether it’s the comparison game mentioned above or just the hormones changing in my body, my emotions can be all over.

Most days, I would say it’s normal. However, some days I feel blah. I am so extremely tired and overworked from the day, it’s like I possibly can’t do another thing. 

Having a toddler this time around makes that really hard. The mom guilt sets in and I feel even worse for being an overtired mom. 

Some days I feel sad. I feel like all I want to do is be alone and cry. The littlest thing could set me off in tears.

Yesterday morning, it was my daughter was crying because she didn’t want to wear shoes, which really meant she didn’t want to go to daycare yet. 

She was having a hard day, and I was too. 

Knowing that she was hurting, she didn’t want me to comfort her and nothing I did helped, I just cried. Drake left to take her and I cried at home while I wrote this blog. 

It’s hard, ladies. 

Pregnant or not, our hormones play some wicked games on our confidence. 

I don’t have all the answers because I’m working through it myself, but most importantly, you are not alone. 

Do not give up on yourself. You are so much stronger than you give yourself credit.

If you need a good cry, then cry. 

Remember, reach out to someone if you are really struggling. It was the best thing I did when I went through postpartum struggles.

Your support system is so important. 

I know you will continue to show up because that,  ultimately, is the confidence you need. 

Stay simply confident, 




1 comment

I needed this so badly!! I’ve been struggling this 2nd pregnancy and this blog literally is me and things going on right now❤️

Makayla Hackbarth

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