One body

One body

You only get one body; it is important to respect it. 

There has been countless times in my life when I have had no respect my body.

Whether that be by the food or drinks I consume, or how I speak about myself, I actually have hated my body. 

Like sobbed in the mirror and picked out every flaw, or sat in my closet angry that my clothes didn’t fit me right - that kind of hate for my body. 

Body changes

I’m going through another body change in my life after having my second child two months ago. My stomach is sagging with stretch marks. I have well over 30 pounds extra on my body. My breasts are 3-4 sizes larger than normal because of breastfeeding and my weight. 

I don’t even feel like I am in my body. 

It could be easy for me to get discourage. I look in the mirror after taking a shower and think, “Wow, I don’t even recognize myself.” I have heard that postpartum mothers can take up to two years before they feels like themselves again. 

However, this can happen to women at any stage in life; not just after pregnancy. We have these beauty expectations that are either unattainable or just can’t happen instantaneously. 

It can be exhausting to look at yourself and not like what you see. 

But, why do we do that?

This is the body we have. This is where we are at right now. We may not like every “flaw” we see in the mirror, but damn, we better start loving our body. 

Without love for your body, how can you expect to change it for the better? And really, those “flaws” you can’t change may be the beauty someone else sees in you. 

I wrote about my insecurities with my ears before. I can’t change them. I need to embrace them. My ears allow me to hear the music I love. They allow me to listen to my daughter laugh. 

You only get one body. That body is beautiful. 

That body is keeping your heart pumping. It’s filling your lungs with the air you breathe. It’s allowing you to get up every morning and live.

Even when you think your body lets you down during illness or handicap, remember what it has given you. 

Why isn’t that enough? 

You get one body.

Treat it with respect and love.

Stay simply confident,



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