Things I would say to my younger self - Chapter 1 July 21, 2022This is a series on "things I would say to my younger self." I encourage others to share their lessons learned in the comments or on our social post.
Are you giving away your energy? July 13, 2022How we focus our energy for the day can be hindering or helping our confidence. Save your energy and build confidence for yourself and others around you.
Celebrating your independence June 29, 2022In honor of Independence Day, take a moment to reflect at your life and see where you need some independence.
Keep your word to yourself June 23, 2022What if you had a friend who said they would meet you for coffee but every time they came 30-minutes late or not at all? Little by little, you would...
Our last wish won't be to lose weight June 16, 2022 Do you think when you are old and gray, heading to your final days of life that you are going to say to yourself, “I wish I would’ve lost those 10 pounds.”
Behind our logo: More than just flowers June 9, 2022The two flowers on the Simply Confident Clothing logo aren’t there just to be pretty. There’s so much more behind the flowers.